Uses of Interface

Packages that use Visitor File system utilities. 
com.faunos.util.tree Support for tree structures. 

Uses of Visitor in

Methods in with parameters of type Visitor
static void FileSystemTraverser.visitPostorder(File root, Visitor<File> visitor, FileFilter filter)
          Visits the root file, and if a directory, and traverses the directory structure, firing post-order events along the way.
static void FileSystemTraverser.visitPostorder(File root, Visitor<File> visitor, FileFilter filter, Comparator<File> siblingOrder)
          Visits the root file, and if a directory, and traverses the directory structure, firing post-order events along the way.
static void FileSystemTraverser.visitPreorder(File root, Visitor<File> visitor, FileFilter filter)
          Visits the root file, and if a directory, and traverses the directory structure, firing pre-order events along the way.
static void FileSystemTraverser.visitPreorder(File root, Visitor<File> visitor, FileFilter filter, Comparator<File> siblingOrder)
          Visits the root file, and if a directory, and traverses the directory structure, firing pre-order events along the way.

Uses of Visitor in com.faunos.util.tree

Methods in com.faunos.util.tree with parameters of type Visitor
 void AbstractTraverser.visitPostorder(Visitor<T> visitor)
          Traverses the tree and visits the tree nodes in post-order.
 void AbstractTraverser.visitPreorder(Visitor<T> visitor)
          Traverses the tree and visits the tree nodes in pre-order. Logo