Uses of Interface

Packages that use Provider
com.faunos.skwish A lightweight library for storing blobs on the file system. 
com.faunos.skwish.ext.http An experimental read-only HTTP interface to skwish is provided here. 
com.faunos.skwish.sys.mgr The SegmentStore implementation. 

Uses of Provider in com.faunos.skwish

Methods in com.faunos.skwish that return Provider
static Provider SegmentStore.getProvider()
          Returns the current service provider.

Methods in com.faunos.skwish with parameters of type Provider
static void SegmentStore.setProvider(Provider provider)
          Sets the service provider.

Uses of Provider in com.faunos.skwish.ext.http

Classes in com.faunos.skwish.ext.http that implement Provider
 class MappedUriProvider
          A filter on a skwish service provider that maps input URIs to output URIs.

Constructors in com.faunos.skwish.ext.http with parameters of type Provider
MappedUriProvider(Provider inner)
          Constructs an instance that wraps the given inner instance.
SkwishResponseFactory(Provider skwishProvider)
          Creates a new instance with the given skwish provider.

Uses of Provider in com.faunos.skwish.sys.mgr

Methods in com.faunos.skwish.sys.mgr that return Provider
static Provider Store.getProvider()