Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseSegment
com.faunos.skwish.sys The basic file-based Segment structure is implemented here. 
com.faunos.skwish.sys.mgr The SegmentStore implementation. 

Uses of BaseSegment in com.faunos.skwish.sys

Methods in com.faunos.skwish.sys that return BaseSegment
static BaseSegment BaseSegment.writeNewSegment(FileChannel offsetFile, FileChannel entryFile, long baseId, Word type)
          Writes and returns a new segment to the specified offset (index) and entry [contents] files.

Methods in com.faunos.skwish.sys with parameters of type BaseSegment
 void BaseSegment.append(BaseSegment segment)
          Appends the given segment to this segment.
 void BaseSegment.append(BaseSegment segment, int maxIdGap)
          Appends the given segment to this segment.

Uses of BaseSegment in com.faunos.skwish.sys.mgr

Subclasses of BaseSegment in com.faunos.skwish.sys.mgr
 class UnitDir.Seg
          A BaseSegment backed with files in the enclosing instance's directory.

Methods in com.faunos.skwish.sys.mgr with parameters of type BaseSegment
 void UnitDir.Seg.append(BaseSegment segment, int maxIdGap)