Class FilterSegment

  extended by com.faunos.skwish.Segment
      extended by com.faunos.skwish.sys.filters.FilterSegment
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AppendProtectedFilterSegment, ReadOnlyFilterSegment

public class FilterSegment
extends Segment

A facade base class for subclassing and chaining specialized Segment functionality. This class just delegates to its inner instance.

Babak Farhang

Field Summary
protected  Segment inner
          The inner segment to which member function calls are delegated.
Fields inherited from class com.faunos.skwish.Segment
Constructor Summary
FilterSegment(Segment inner)
          Base constructor.
Method Summary
 void delete(long id, int count, boolean purge)
          Deletes count entries starting at the entry with the specified id.
 long getBaseId()
          Returns the instance's base ID.
 void getEntry(long id, ByteBuffer out, ByteBuffer workBuffer)
          Returns the contents of the entry with the specified id.
 FileChannel getEntryChannel(long id)
          Returns the contents of the entry with the given id as a FileChannel, or null, if deleted.
 long getEntryCount()
          Returns the number of entries in this instance.
 int getEntryPart(long id, long position, ByteBuffer out, ByteBuffer workBuffer)
          Returns the specified part of the entry contents with the specified id.
 long getEntrySize(long id, ByteBuffer workBuffer)
          Returns the size of the entry with the specified id.
 long getNextId()
          Returns the ID the entry will get on the next insertion.
 long insertEntry(ByteBuffer entry)
          Inserts the given entry and returns the entry's ID.
 long insertEntry(ReadableByteChannel entry)
          Inserts the entry represented by the given channel.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Determines whether this instance is read-only (unmodifiable).
 long killNext(int count)
          Kills the next count entry IDs.
Methods inherited from class com.faunos.skwish.Segment
contains, delete, delete, getEntry, getEntrySize, getEntryStream, hi, isDeleted, isDeleted, killNext, lo, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Segment inner
The inner segment to which member function calls are delegated.

Constructor Detail


public FilterSegment(Segment inner)
Base constructor.

inner - the inner segment to which calls will be delegated. May be null, but the subclass's constructor must eventually set it.
Method Detail


public void delete(long id,
                   int count,
                   boolean purge)
            throws IOException
Description copied from class: Segment
Deletes count entries starting at the entry with the specified id. The contents of the deleted entries may optionally be requested to be purged (overwritten) immediately; o.w. the deleted contents will be purged whenever the segment is compacted or merged with another segment.

Note that purging is not part of any transaction semantic; whether or not a purge immediately takes place on its being signaled is implementation-dependent.

Specified by:
delete in class Segment
id - the ID of the first entry to be deleted. Must be a valid ID in this segment [baseId, baseId + entryCount)
count - the number of entries to be deleted. Specifies a range of IDs to be deleted: [id, id + count). The range of IDs must be valid entries within this segment; o.w. an exception is raised.
purge - if true, the contents of the deleted entries are signaled to be purged (overwritten) immediately; o.w. the contents will be deleted on the next time the segment is compacted.


public long getBaseId()
Description copied from class: Segment
Returns the instance's base ID. An instances valid entry IDs are in the range [baseId, baseId + entryCount).

Specified by:
getBaseId in class Segment
See Also:


public int getEntryPart(long id,
                        long position,
                        ByteBuffer out,
                        ByteBuffer workBuffer)
                 throws IOException
Description copied from class: Segment
Returns the specified part of the entry contents with the specified id. Up to out.remaining() bytes of the contents of the entry are copied into the given out buffer.

Specified by:
getEntryPart in class Segment
position - the starting position into the entry from where data will be copied into the out buffer
out - the out buffer into which data is written
workBuffer - a work buffer with a minimum size of 16
the number of bytes read (possibly zero if out has no remaining bytes), or -1, if the position is greater than the size of the entry, or if the entry is deleted.


public void getEntry(long id,
                     ByteBuffer out,
                     ByteBuffer workBuffer)
              throws IOException
Description copied from class: Segment
Returns the contents of the entry with the specified id. If the entry is deleted, the method returns without modifying the out buffer.

Specified by:
getEntry in class Segment
out - the buffer into which the contents are written. Its remaining bytes must be large enough; o.w., an exception is raised.
workBuffer - a work buffer used internally to read offsets. The minimum capacity of this work buffer must be 16


public FileChannel getEntryChannel(long id)
                            throws IOException
Description copied from class: Segment
Returns the contents of the entry with the given id as a FileChannel, or null, if deleted. The returned channel is positioned at zero and is read-only.

Specified by:
getEntryChannel in class Segment


public long getEntryCount()
Description copied from class: Segment
Returns the number of entries in this instance.

Specified by:
getEntryCount in class Segment


public long getEntrySize(long id,
                         ByteBuffer workBuffer)
                  throws IOException
Description copied from class: Segment
Returns the size of the entry with the specified id. A work buffer with a minimum size of 16 must be passed in.

Specified by:
getEntrySize in class Segment
the size of the entry if present; -1, if deleted.


public long getNextId()
Description copied from class: Segment
Returns the ID the entry will get on the next insertion.

Specified by:
getNextId in class Segment
See Also:
ID invariants


public long insertEntry(ByteBuffer entry)
                 throws IOException
Description copied from class: Segment
Inserts the given entry and returns the entry's ID. The contents of the entry is understood to be the remaining contents in the given buffer.

Specified by:
insertEntry in class Segment
entry - they contents of the entry
the ID assigned to the entry


public long insertEntry(ReadableByteChannel entry)
                 throws IOException
Description copied from class: Segment
Inserts the entry represented by the given channel. The contents are of the entry is understood to be the entire remaining contents in the specified channel.

This is the most efficient method for inserting a large-size entry (even one that doesn't fit in memory).

Specified by:
insertEntry in class Segment


public long killNext(int count)
              throws IOException
Description copied from class: Segment
Kills the next count entry IDs. A killed entry is an entry that begins (and ends) life in the deleted state.

Specified by:
killNext in class Segment
count - the number of entries to kill (must be greater than 1)
the value that getNextId() returns after this method has completed


public boolean isReadOnly()
Description copied from class: Segment
Determines whether this instance is read-only (unmodifiable).

Specified by:
isReadOnly in class Segment
See Also:
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